Purpose of Food For The Poor
The Food for the Poor's mission is to link churches from the developed world with churches from developing nations in order to funnel aids from them to the poor and the downtrodden population. In this way, they hope to help both those that are materially poor as well as those lacking in a healthy spirit.
Local churches, lay leaders and clergy all serve the poor because they have been empowered with the goods from Food for the Poor. Those that are poor in spirit get renewed through their relationship and service to the local poor through the organizations direct ministry or encouragement, teaching and prayer. The charity's hope is to bring recipients and benefactors in a closer union with the Lord.
The organization sees itself as God's instrument that helps the poor and renews the poor in spirit. They claim their ministry is a reflection of unconditional love of the Lord and is one that surrounds everyone, inspires faith and trust and embraces all regardless of one's status, race or creed. They stress a need for prayer on a regular basis and the organization seeks a closer union with its Lord. They know that everyone faces crisis in life as well as having times to celebrate the special moments.
Food for the Poor believes that by helping the needy in the poorest of areas of the Caribbean and Central America, they can make lasting impressions on the people. They dedicate their time and effort to help textile makers in Guatemala, fishermen in Haiti and farmers in Honduras first by providing shelter, if they do not have adequate facilities and secondly by giving them the necessary food, medicines and other supplies for them to at least have their basic needs covered. The organization also provides training in micro-enterprise and educates people in how to operate donated machinery or how to operate and maintain a fish farm or cattle ranch.
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